Hi bloggers for the last two weeks I have been learning how to be safe with swim safe we have learnt how to huddle and stay warm together and we made a whirlpool, we would go in a circle and start running then let go and go on our backs and go round and round. We had to bring our pj's so we would now how it feels when you fall in a lake or sea, how it feels and it is harder then in your togs because they have wait and togs don't blog you later.💖
This is me falling of the boat. |
That's me holding Zach so I don't fall.
I learnt at swim safe was that if you want to stay together, you have to grab on the shoulders of the life jacket and lean back. I left really excited to jump of the boat, and go under because is is so cool when you go under the boat and it looks so magical.
Next time i'm excited to go back on the boat and have fun with all my friends learn new thing and GET WET. The thing I will remember about swim safe this year is pajama day, were we had to bring our pj's in the pool to now how it feels if you go in the water with your clothes on.
What's your favorite swimming stroke? Mine is dolphin dives. Do you have a school pool? We do. Do you do swimming lessons? we do.